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Call upon Me in the day of trouble, For My Word is true; Call upon Me in the day of trouble, See what I will do. Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I'll deliver you, And you will honor Me. We won't fear when God is with us! We won't be dismayed. The Lord upholds us with His right arm; He came when we prayed. Christ in us outshines the darkness, We are not afraid! And Lord, we honor You Call upon Me in the day of trouble, For My Word is true; Call upon Me in the day of trouble, See what I will do. Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I'll deliver you, And you will honor Me. We will trust You in our troubles, For Your Word is true. We will tell You all our problems, See what You will do. If we're anxious, worried, frightened, even sad and blue, Your truth will set us free. Call upon Me in the day of trouble, For My Word is true; Call upon Me in the day of trouble, See what I will do. Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I'll deliver you, And you will honor Me. And you will honor Me. (中文翻译) ◎求告我(诗篇第十章第15节) 患难之日求告我 因我的话语真实 患难之日求告我 看我如何成就大事 患难之日求告我 我要搭救你 你也要荣耀我 (副歌) 1.我们不惧怕 上帝与我们同在   我们不要失望沮丧   藉著祂的怀抱 主会扶持我们   我们祈祷祂就进来   心中的基督之光驱走了黑暗   我们不惧怕   主 我们要荣耀称 2.患难之日我们要信靠你   因你的话语真实   我们求告你所有的难题   看你如何成就大事   倘若 焦虑 担忧 惊恐   甚至伤心忧愁   你的真理使我们得自由