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La la la la la God will deliver me, La la la la la I am saved. La la la la la Jesus will care for me When lam afraid. God is always faithful; He will find a way. God protects His people, Ev'ry single day. La la la la la God will deliver me, La la la la la I am saved. La la la la la Jesus will care for me When lam afraid. We can always trust Him; We can be secure. When there is a problem, Jesus is the cure. La la la la la God will deliver me, La la la la la I am saved. La la la la la Jesus will care for me When lam afraid. (中文翻译) ◎上帝搭救我 ?啦… 上帝搭救我 啦… 我得拯救 啦… 耶稣关心我 当我惧怕时 (副歌) 1.上帝永远信实 祂会开道路 在每一天 神会保护祂的子民 2.我们可以永远信靠祂 我们必平安 只要有问题 耶稣就是医治者