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4.God With Us, Emmanuel文本歌词


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Come with me and sit a spell, And we shall sing Emmanuel; Sing His mercy, sing His might, Sing His everlasting light. Come with me and sit a spell; Emmanuel! Come with me and kneel a spell, And we shall pray Emmanuel; Pray His mercy, pray His might, Pray His everlasting light. Come with me and kneel a spell; Emmanuel! Come with me and stand a spell, And we shall praise Emmanuel; Praise His mercy, praise His might, Praise His everlasting light. Come with me and stand a spell; Emmanuel! God with us, Emmanuel! (中文翻译) ◎上帝与我们同在,以马内利 1 和我坐下来一下 我们来唱以马内利 欢唱祂的怜悯 祂的权柄 祂永不止息的荣光 和我坐下来一下 以马内利 上帝与我们同在 以马内利 2 和我跪下来一下 我们来祷告以马内利 祷告祂的怜悯 祂的权柄 祂永不止息的荣光 和我跪下来一下 以马内利 上帝与我们同在 以马内利 3 和我站起来一下 我们来赞美以马内利 祷告祂的怜悯 祂的权柄 祂永不止息的荣光 和我站起来一下 以马内利 上帝与我们同在 以马内利